Management Software for clothing stores

  Miall management software for clothing stores (cashier software of clothing stores) is the management software and marketing software for clothing specialty stores that customize clothing, shoes and hats and underwear retain industry. It is practical and easy-to-access. The core functions line in managing logistics business, including stock, cashier, retail POS, allocation and distribution and inventory. It completely supports for management requirements of goods color and size in clothing industry of shoes and hats and implements overall integrated management for stock, distribution, inventory, deposit, account receivable, account payable, finance and OA seamless connection.

Miall Software
1 After sales service provided by development team directly 8 PDA Ordering
2 Networking through Cloud computing 9 Over 10 ways of retail promotion
3 Wechat marketing 10 Picture management
4 Mass SMS 11 Refreshing software interface, and easy to learn
5 Offline marketing 12 Individual modification and customizatio
6 Various customized reports 13 O2O offline payment
7 Mobile phone inquiry 14  

  Management software for clothing stores consists of purchase control, sales management, inventory management, commodity management, member management, mobile internet office and statistical analysis, etc. The software is embedded with WeChat marketing function, mobile PDA ordering, mobile client inquiry, mass SMS, self-defined report, barcode printing, fast scan, diversified collection, etc., functions. The foreground supports for double-screen display, scanning gun, ticket printer, cashbox, client viewing screen and barcode printer, etc., hardware.

Hardware support of Miall software

Brief Introduction to Miall’s Management Software Functions for Clothing Stores
I. Foreground management
 1. Foreground POS: marketing, return of goods; ticket printing, cashbox, client viewing screen, and scanning gun, etc.

Miall Clothes System(POS)

Miall Clothes System(POS)

 2. Member credits and discounts(member consumption, accumulated discounts, fixed discounts, credits exchange for gifts and credits exchange for money, etc)

Member edit

 3. Online and offline marketing (normal sale under no network state)

II. Back-stage management
1Commodity management
 1. Basic data maintenance: clothing data maintenance (type, season, brand and year, etc.);
 2. Settings of buying and selling price;
 3. Support for multiple promotion approaches to products (special offer, time limit, quantity limit and time-quantity limited promotion);
 4. Color, size and picture management;
 5. Barcode management and printing;

Goods Info edit

 Color, size and picture management
 1. Assemble color and size pattern of clothes arbitrarily, and adopt two-dimensional table with color and size to manage products; all receipts type in quantity in two dimensional table;
 2. Every style and color should have corresponding picture management.


Barcode management and printing
 Selection of multiple barcode standards: type+ color+ size, or style+ size+ color, etc. Corresponding various external interfaces for barcode printing: Bartender software, and Argox interface

bar code

◆Barcode customization
 because different brands have diverse barcodes, or retailers obtain different stock barcode standards from different suppliers, the same style can customize different barcodes.

2Foreground management of retail stores
 1. Headquarters manages various operations for retail stores uniformly (permission centralized management, print template and accounting system management, etc).
 2. Data entering of retail stores;
 3. Basic information of retail foreground (retail stores, cashiers and shopping guides, etc.)
 4. Permission setting of cashiers (whether it is allowable for price changing, discounts, presentation and minimum discounts)
 5. Membership card (discounts as accumulated credits, sales as member price, and fixed discounts)
 6. Value card entering can recharge or exchange for money consumption with card.
 7. Data exchange (fast speed, high efficiency and lower error rate)
 8. Log tracking of cashier and cashbox (master real-time daily operation of cashier and cashbox details).
 9. Headquarters recycle store information in time, and masters important information of sales and inventory, etc.


Flexible settings of retail promotion:
 1. Special offer
 2. All fixed 80% and 60% discounts
 3. N-for-n, two-for-one, and three-for-two, etc.
 4. n-for-n Yuan, 300-for-200 Yuan, 200-for-100 Yuan;
 5. N Yuan-for-n0%, 200 Yuan-for-60%, and 300 Yuan-for-50%;
 6. Full amount of purchase+ cash for a gift
 7. N pieces-for-N0%, 1-for 90%, and 2-for-80%
 8. Time-quantity limited price promotion
 9. Quantity limited price promotion
 10. Time-limited price promotion

3Warehouse data
 1. A retail store is corresponding to a warehouse for being convenient for inventory of retail stores and checking up sales;
 2. Warehouse position, area, and storekeeper management;
 3. Purchase control and shipping management(storage and marketing);
 4. Inventory adjustment (other dispatchers, breakage, assembly and disassembly);
 5. Inventory (online simultaneously entering for many people, faster and more convenient inventory);
 6. All-around warehouse information monitoring(inventory tracking, in-out stock collections and details, insufficiency and overstock warning, etc.);
 7. Commodity stock tracking of different units (the number of large pieces, small pieces, middle pieces and unit total quantity).

Ohter In-and-Out Bill

4Purchase and marketing management
 1. Simple and rigorous purchasing process (order, delivery, storage, freight and payment);
 2. Strict permission control (purchasing process and business receipt permission control);
 3. Support of multiple procurement methods(payment in advance, clear stocks and settlement of payment for goods)
 4. Procurement analysis of multiple angles (collections and details analysis of suppliers, departments, salesmen, warehouses and procurement of commodities)

◆Purchase, marketing management support for rapid scanning.

Purchase Order

Payment Bill

Sales Order

Gathering Bill

5Allocation and Distribution
 1. Headquarters deliver to each store client in the form of allocation and delivering
 2. Simple and fast allocation and distribution
 3. Analysis of allocation and distribution(collections and details)

Warehouse Allocation Bill

(6)Report Statistics
 Purchase-sale-stock report, price tracking analysis(buying price and selling price), sales analysis of each store, sales analysis of cashers, sales analysis of shopping guides, consumption analysis of members, collections and details of commodity sales, consumption credits of member cards, collections and details of member consumption.

Report Statistics

Applicable industries:
 clothing, infant &mom, underwear, shoes, leather products and luggage, etc., retail wholesales, real-time networking of headquarters(head office) and branches; headquarters’ real-time monitoring of branches’ sales and inventory; unified management of products, prices and members, etc.

